Friday, May 23, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Part Four. The Chinese Gender Chart

I am 20 weeks pregnant today! (Though the doctors don't agree with me based on my LMP and the baby's measurements, but I figure I know what I was doing when a little better than they do. ;) Besides, Dr. K, my amazing RE back in Boise, did an early ultrasound that was right on with my dates, so that is what I am sticking with. Their dates have me further along, but I'm sticking with the October 10th due date.) I think it only appropriate that a big milestone like the "half way" point in a pregnancy deserves a big post. So I have reserved this entire GPP post to the infamous Chinese Gender Chart!

Oh Lord. Here we go again. The amazing, mysterious, awe inspiring Chinese Gender Chart. There is no way that I could avoid including this in The Gender Prediction Project. There are so many different "versions" of this chart out there that I really do need to dedicate an entire post to them like I did last time. These are all the charts that popped up on the first page of a Google search done over three years ago. There might be some new ones I haven't tried yet, and I might do another post dedicated to those, but for now I am going to re-do the ones that I did before.

For anyone not familiar with the Chinese Gender Chart, "legend" says that it is over 700 years old and well over 90% accurate...when used "correctly". Correctly means that you calculate your lunar age for many of the charts, though not all of them seem to require this on the Internet, and some of them claim to calculate your lunar age for you. It was "recently" discovered in an ancient, royal tomb in China, and has been accurately predicting genders all over the globe since then! Let's see how it does with mine. I will be doing all of them exactly how they direct you to on the web pages, though I might go ahead and calculate my lunar age for the ones that don't ask for it.

Here we go!

A very simple chart to use, all you have to do on Parents in answer two simple questions before they tell you if you are having a boy or a girl. It predicted correctly that my oldest was a boy, but incorrectly said that our youngest son should have been a girl.

With an accuracy rate of only 50%, I decided not to try too terribly hard when the site rejected my e-mail and password (which you annoyingly have to type in each time you want to use this chart). I figure it would have a less than 50% chance of being right again, and it wasn't worth the headache of retrieving my password and setting up a new one. 

This site was much more intimidating when I first did it three years ago. There were all these things you had to read, conversions to make, steps to follow...math! It was something I did only in the name of "science". However, all my hard work proved worth it when this chart was accurate with both boys. 

Three years later and they have changed the site a lot, and all they require you to do is type in your birthday and your EDD. Easy peasy, and the chart with 100% accuracy last time is again predicting that we will have a little boy come October. 

You have to calculate your lunar age and the lunar month you conceived in in order to do this chart. They give you a couple of easy links to do this with though. According to those links, my lunar age was 31 at conception (screw you, lunar age), and the lunar month was the 12th month. (Don't ask me how it's figured out. I don't get it either.) 

This chart has a 0% accuracy rate for us so far. It predicted that our two little gents should be little ladies. This time around it actually predicts a little boy for us, so maybe it means a little girl? Your guess is as good as mine, and they would both probably be better than this chart. 

Thank goodness for another chart that only requires me to enter a few simple clicks about my age and month I conceived! You don't even have to run your mouse across the lines to figure out what you're expecting, as the kind people at The Bump highlight it for you, proudly showing a pink or blue swaddled little with a voice bubble saying "Hi, Mom!". 

This chart has previously had a 50-100% accuracy rating for us, depending on if I used my lunar age or not. (They do not ask you to use it, so I have no idea if it is required.) This time around it says we will be having a little boy if I type in just the information they ask for. To be confusing I typed in using my lunar age and month, which determines that we will be having a little girl. Last time, this chart was correct using my lunar age, so maybe we have a little lady on her way. 

Another simple chart that doesn't ask for your lunar age. (Though I did it both ways.) You don't even have to type anything in. Just look at the color coded chart to figure out if you have a boy or girl in your near future. Using my actual age and lunar age this chart was correct with our oldest. It was incorrect using actual age with our little man, but it was accurate when I used my lunar age. 

So, this is another chart that has between 50-100% accuracy depending on how you do it. This time around it says we'll have a boy if I use my real age, but a girl if I use my lunar age. I'm 100% sure that it will be one or the other. 

Simple, simple, simple...or so it would seem at first glance. Just run your finger down the table and you will see what you're growing. Using my actual ages with the boys is was accurate with our oldest but incorrect with the little man. To confuse the situation even more though, I used my lunar age with was incorrect with both boys. 

The accuracy is between 0-50% with this test, but I still did it again this time. With both my actual age and my lunar age predicts a little boy in October. I don't think About knows what it's talking about. 

This site is a two for one, giving two different options of determining your baby's gender. There is the Baby Gender Predictor and the Ancient Chinese Lunar Calendar. Do one, do both, don't do either if you don't want to. I, personally, did both. All in the name of science, you understand. :)

It's a little different then it was last time, when one had a 0-50% accuracy rate and the other 100%, but the Baby Gender Predictor predicts a little boy this time around, and the Ancient Chinese Lunar Calendar also predicts a little boy using both lunar and actual ages. Looks like everything is blue over at thelaboroflove. :)

I'm pretty sure that this chart is complete hookie. It asks for the mother's age at the time of birth instead of conception, which is the only chart I've seen that does that. It claims a 99% accuracy rate, but we haven't found that to be true either. Still, it's a simple chart to do, and I couldn't leave it out of the research.

This chart has a 50% accuracy rate for us so far, and is predicting a little boy for us again this time. We'll see, but I don't buy it webwomb. 

This one is easy as long as you already know your lunar age. If not, there are a couple of links above that will show you what your lunar age is to use in this chart. Given the fact that this chart has a 0% accuracy rate with us currently, I won't be rushing out to buy a bunch of blue based on it's prediction of a little boy. (Let's be honest, my husband might not let me buy any new clothes if we're having another boy. We have bins and bins of boy clothes already!)

This one is different. This is the only chart that asks for the age of the mother and the father at conception. Since it is generally accepted that the gender comes from the father's genes, you would think this would happen more, but nope. Just here at babygendertool. It's very simple to use, an even gives you a list of the top 20 most popular names for your baby's gender.

This chart only has a 50% accuracy, but it predicts another little boy in our near future. 

Don't worry if you weren't keeping track. I was. Out of the many different "Chinese Gender Calendars" I did in this post, a whopping eight predicted a boy, while only two predicted a girl. Those two actually only predicted a girl if I used my lunar age (which wasn't required on those specific charts), so if you take that out of the equation it would actually mean that all ten charts I was able to do this time predicted for a boy. Either way, that's a pretty strong push for blue, Chinese Gender Chart!

This means that our current count to date is seventeen predictions for a little boy in comparison to eight predictions for a little girl. The Chinese Gender Charts shoved team blue into an impressive lead, but only time will tell how accurate any of these are. Despite the overwhelming trend towards team blue, I'm still not going to go crazy buying boy patterned cloth diapers yet. :)

Until next time, happy predicting!

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*


Friday, May 9, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Part Three

Here we are again! A little over 5 months until my EDD, I am 18 weeks today, and most of my fellow October mommies who are finding out already know if they have a little laddie or lass in there. (And the ones who want to know but don't yet are chomping at the bit!) I still have about 22 weeks to go before we find out if we're welcoming another Mr. or a Miss., but that just means I have 22 more weeks to continue with these funky prediction methods!

Rapunzel! Rapunzel!

If you guessed that this prediction might have to do with your hair, you're right. :) As legend tells it, little girls will take, take, take, specifically all the vitamins and minerals that your hair needs to be shiny, lush, and beautiful. my theory is that their own locks will be full and flowing at birth, because you know how much newborn girls care about that kind of thing. They take, take, take, and leave you with dry, broken hair without any volume. Not even color in some cases. It sad, really. Boys, because they naturally love their mothers more, do everything they can to be sure that you have full, shining, flowing locks that will make every passerby stop and stare in awe and envy. 

Parker was a vain one, and he has the beautiful, thick curls to prove it. My pregnancy with him destroyed my hair. Granted, it was growing faster than Usain Bolt, but it also looked like clumps of dried grass in the lawn. It was gross, and I ended up cutting off about 12 inches of it after he was born. Sebastian was a little kinder. It didn't grow as quickly at all, but it looked better than usual. So, it was incorrect with Parker, but correct with Bash. So far, this one has a 50% accuracy rate for us. This time around I haven't really noticed a difference in my hair. I have gray hairs this time, which is a first, (Sebastian can and will take credit for those.) and things are a little dryer than usual, but I think that's just the difference in climate here in Colorado. Since my hair doesn't look like it should be shucked by the local farmers and fed to the horses, I'm going to call this one another prediction for a boy this time. 

Oval or Heart?

Did you know that your bone structure and the unique way that each woman stores water and fat in her face has nothing to do with the shape of your face? It's all about your baby's sex. If you are rosy, round, and full during pregnancy you will be having a rosy little girl! Have a longer, more oval shaped face? A little boy is on the way!

Believe it or not, this was 100% correct with both boys, and once again my face is slimming out with this pregnancy, which would mean we are predicted another little boy this time.

To Key or Not to Key?

That is the question. Or maybe not. I haven't yet figured out how the manner in which a woman picks up a key has anything to do with the sex of her unborn child, but that is the basis of this old wive's tale. If you pick up a single key by it's fatter end (which is the correct way to do it, of course) you can expect a little boy. If you would be a person who picked up their key by the skinny end (who does that?) you are welcoming a little girl. If you pick it up in the dead center you might be expecting twins...Or something. 

This is one of those tales with 100% accuracy that I still think is crazy. Because, seriously, who decides that the way you pick up your keys determines your baby's sex? However, on the off chance that there is some merit to this claim, it would mean that I am predicted another boy this time around...and for all my children, because picking up a key by the skinny part would just feel wrong to me. 

Sweet or Sour?

Cravings. Every pregnant woman has them. Every pregnant woman can understand them. I've heard people who say that they are in our heads, or that they are our body's way of getting essential vitamins that we are lacking (though I highly doubt that there is much nutritional value to Sour Patch Kids, which was a huge craving during the early weeks of my pregnancy with Bash), but it doesn't really matter. If you are pregnant, regardless of reason, they are a reality, and one that can help you determine the sex of that little baby growing inside of you if you believe what the old wives say. 

Little girls are made of "sugar and spice and everything nice", which apparently comes from their mommies craving sweets during their pregnancy. However, if you are craving things that are lip-puckering sour, you can expect a little boy. (Though the insinuation that girls are sweet and boys are sour is completely off in my opinion! Perhaps an old wife had some really rotten little lads in her house.) I have two very sweet little boys in my house, though I craved fruit like my life depended on it with my oldest (craving strawberries in mid winter in Idaho is not ideal), and I would have gladly killed people for a bag of Sour Patch Kids during parts of my pregnancy with my youngest. So far, this one has only had a 50% accuracy rate for us, and I'm finding it a little difficult to call this time.

I can't say that I've been craving especially sweet or sour things this time around. I still enjoy fruit, but I'm not craving it the same way that I was with the boys. I haven't craved much of anything actually. I still just feel *blech* most of the time to be honest, but when I do crave things they seem to be more savory things and red meat. A little bit of research tells me that this is also supposed to predict another little boy for us in October.

I think that is enough for now. Today's predictions seem to lean heavily towards another little boy joining our household come October. As a matter of fact, all four of today's predictions are for a little boy. Adding these to our other old wive's tale predictions so far, we have 9 predictions for a little boy and 6 predictions for a little girl. Boys are in the lead, but it's still early. We have 5 more months to see if we can even the odds a little bit. :)

Remember, if you have any ideas of prediction methods I can use, leave them in the comments. I'll be sure to try as many as possible before Bean arrives in October.

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*


Friday, May 2, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Part Two

It's that time again! Time for another fun edition of The Gender Prediction Project, brought to you by the number 13 and the letters H, M, P, S, and B! Excited yet? Me too. Let's get predicting!

Heart Rate Gender Predictor

After hearing both of the boys by 10 weeks along, it seemed like an eternity before we got to hear Bean's heartbeat. We finally heard it during my first appointment here in Colorado, which wasn't until almost 15 weeks, and they only let us listen for about 45 seconds (because apparently they don't usually listen to the heartbeat at the appointments...), but when we did get to hear him/her the heartbeat was strong and thumping along at 150-155. According to the all knowing Old Wives a heart rate of 140 or higher means that you will have a little girl, while a heart rate lower than 140 means that a little boy is growing stronger in there.

This is one of those prediction methods that has been wrong for more people that I have talked to then it has been right for. It was certainly incorrect for Parker, whose heart rate was never below 140 until labor. It was also incorrect for Sebastian, except for one time when it was in the 120s. His ranged all the way up to the 190s at points, though it averaged in the 150s for his pregnancy. With a heart rate of 150-155, Bean is also supposed to be a little girl, but with a 0% accuracy rate so far I'm not making any bets on it.

Family History

Family history is very important. It tells you where you come from. It can tell you some medical issues to watch out for. And apparently it can tell you if you are pregnant with a little boy or a little girl. ;) What did you mother have and in what order? That will tell you what you are going to have. If you are the oldest, as the story goes, you will have what your mother had starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what your mother had starting with her third child. If you are the last child you will have what she had in the exact same order. Confused yet? Let me give you an example. 

I am the oldest of three live births. After me came my brother and then my sister. According to this method of gender predicting, I should have a son first and then two daughters, if I chose to have three children. I don't know how it works if you have more than three or if your mother had multiple losses, but if you look at this on surface value, this was correct with my oldest. However, when my second child was a boy it proved to be incorrect

I guess that, technically, this old wive's tale has about a 50% accuracy rate for us, and it's predicting a girl this time, but I'm not holding my breath. Considering the gender is determined by the father I don't see what my mother has to do with it. I'm sure she wished she did have more control over it, but well see.

Necklace Over Your Palm

Very much like the ring over your belly, dangling a necklace over your hand is also said to be able to predict, not only your current pregnancy, but the gender of all your children in the order you will have them. If the necklace swings back and forth you will have a boy, but if it moves in a circular motion you will have a girl. The necklace doesn't even have to be stopped between predictions. It will do one thing for awhile, stop its self, they go on to the next motion. You can do this for as long as you'd like and predict your children's genders up to 20, 30, 40, or beyond if you are feeling super frisky. ;) I have people that have sworn up, down, and sideways that this is 100% correct, so I tried it during my last pregnancy. You can't beat 100%, right?

I let it go on for quite awhile. It was correct in predicting my oldest son, but incorrect when it then predicted a daughter for my youngest son. It then predicted another boy, another boy, and finally a girl before I stopped it. Instead of doing it again, I'm just going to go with last time's predictions. No reason to get too confusing.

This method of prediction only has a 50% accuracy rate for us, and it is predicting a little boy this time around. Of course, maybe last time it started with the pregnancy I was on, which would mean now is when I'll get my girl. Or this is all just for fun, so who cares, really? :)

Morning Sickness

This one couldn't be easier. If you have little to no morning sickness you are blessed, hated, and expecting a son. If you have taken up residence in the bathroom, with a pillow and blanket tucked neatly against the toilet in an attempt at an illusion of comfort, a baby girl is coming! If this was true, I think people would spend a lot of time hoping for many, many sons. :) However, this was incorrect with my oldest son, who had me rather sick until 20 weeks or so. It was super incorrect with my youngest son, who literally had me throwing up before I even had a positive test and up to and through delivery. 

This time I felt great when I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't tired, I wasn't nauseous, it was wonderful. I had some gas, some tummy troubles, and started cramping much earlier than usual, but I wasn't sick, which was a whole new experience. That means little boy, right? However, by 6-7 weeks I was becoming very familiar with my old friend "Toilet" again, which would mean that we can expect a little girl. I'm still feeling nauseous on and off, but I'm hoping it will taper off well before I deliver, but with a 0% accuracy rate for us so far, I'm not sure that it matters on way or the other. Except that I might like to experience a pregnancy without excessive vomiting at some point. :) 

Cold Feet

It's too late to back out now, Mama! You're in this for the long haul. However, if you are having cold feet at this point, it could help you determine the gender of your new little one. According to the old wives, the colder your feet, the better your chance at a son. If your piggies are the same temperature they have always been a little girl is on her way. 

This was incorrect with my oldest son, but correct with my youngest, whose pregnancy actually turned my toes into tiny ice cubes. This is another of those 50% accuracy tests for me, and it's predicting a little boy for us again. However, I have just been super cold this past winter, (which is very unusual for me) so that could be swaying the test in the wrong direction.

That's all for this post. In this one we have two boy predictions vs. three girl predictions. All together that is five for team blue and six for team pink. If you have any methods of prediction you would like to see me try, let me know. I'll be doing this until sometime in October. :)

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*
