Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Many Christmas Adventures of Luke Jeremiah the Elf: Part Four

I think it is safe to say that we in the Gordon house are having way too much fun with Luke Jeremiah. I hate to say it, but it's going to be hard when the holiday season is over and it is time for Luke to go home until next year. *sigh* Luckily, there are still a couple of weeks until that day, and Luke and I still have a lot of ideas to fill those nights!

Night Fifteen: Luke decided that the Gordon boys needed a special treat for the morning, and made super special powdered donuts, in both boy and elf size! What a cool elf we have. The boys were both super excited in the morning, both over the treat and Luke's ability to make it, and they were even more excited when some of Luke's own donuts mysteriously disappeared during breakfast. What a sly elf!

Night Sixteen: The original plan had been to have this out well over a week ago, but Luke (and Mommy and Daddy) had a really hard time finding it in a local store. Luckily, due to sheer determination (and Daddy searching unloaded pallets outside of a Walmart in the freezing cold and snow with a surly manager), we finally found our Little People nativity set, and Luke set it up for us. The boys were so excited, and playing with the "Ativity" set was the highlight of the next several days. (Mommy has now lost track of the times I've tripped over Baby Jesus. So sorry, Jesus!)

Night Seventeen: Tis' the season for excessive baking. I had wondered how long it would take our resident elf to wind up in the kitchen. Tonight, Luke mixed together all the dry ingredients for some super yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies so that all the little men had to add in the morning were the wet ingredients before they slapped them on a baking tray and put them in the oven. (With Mommy's help, of course.) Needless to say, this was a big hit.

Night Eighteen: I guess it shouldn't surprise me that our daredevil elf is also a rock star. He is though, and set up a concert tonight with two of our stuffed locals. Parker and Sebastian were very enthusiastic about the concert idea, and they spent the better part of the next day as members of the band. We're kind of a rock star family. 

Night Nineteen: Because of our unusual night time routine as of late, Daddy and Luke were in charge of coming up with a plan while Mommy did her best to get Sebastian to sleep. After some furious, manly plotting, I was informed that Luke wanted to play hide and seek tonight. I was encouraged to go find him myself, and did, after a bit of searching. Luke (and Daddy) were quite pleased with his hiding spot, and he spent a cozy night in our wonderful tree, "Hubert". (Everything has a name in the Gordon house.)

Night Twenty: After we went to sleep, it seems Luke had some fun with Mommy's phone. He took it and, using what I can only assume was some kind of Elf magic, took pictures of himself with each of us as we slept...even Mommy and Daddy! Parker very happily told on his elf friend when he found him holding Mommy's phone in the morning, and Sebastian walked up proudly holding both phone and elf, chattering away with all his might, also presumably tattling on the thieving elf. They were both delighted to see the pictures of Luke posing with them as they slept. It was very exciting all around. 

Night Twenty-One: What isn't fun about making a tent and spending the night curled up inside of it with friends reading? Exactly. Nothing. Luke Jeremiah and some of his closest friends snuggled together to read The Polar Express in an impressive tent that magically spring up in the living room. If you are thinking that perhaps the rest of the Gordons spent the next day in a much larger tent that appeared, if not quite as magically, drinking hot chocolate and reading Christmas stories, you might just be right. When you see a great idea, sometimes you just have to go with it!


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