Friday, June 3, 2011

Flashback Friday: 30 Weeks Again

Since yesterday I officially hit the 30 week point in this pregnancy it seemed appropriate to flash back to the last time I was 30 weeks pregnant in the early weeks of 2009. Looking back now it is amazing to me how differently I am thinking at the same stage in my second pregnancy. I look different, I feel different, there is so much going on in my life that is completely different that it was the first time around...I imagine most mother's feel this way, but it's amazing to me.

 I suppose we should start off with some pictures, since that is the point of Flashback Friday to begin with. :0) The story told by the pictures.

 30 weeks exactly and fresh from a doctors appointment.

At 30 weeks last time around I truly had no clue what to expect. I was excited and anxious and nervous...every emotion you can have all bottled up into one giant cocktail. It was exciting. A whole new experience, and I was drinking it in. This time I am excited too, but nervous with a whole new set of worries. I've heard they are common for second time mommies. I could probably fill up a couple of blogs detailing my emotions right now, but I won't tonight. After all, this is supposed to be a "flashback", not a hash out of my current worries and anxieties. :0)

An "official" notice of eviction I made 60 days out.

I made this when I had 60 days until my due date...obviously...and I thought it was really cute and clever at the time. Again, this time I am feeling very different. I am more impatient to meet the baby this time around, because I know very much what I have to look forward to. I am also fine with the baby staying in there as long as possible, because these are my last 10(ish) weeks with just me and my son. I might make a notice this time around telling Legs to kick back and stay awhile...I'm in no rush. :0)

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1 comment:

Trish said...

(following your comment back to your blog lol)
I love your eviction notice! I totally made my last baby one also. And yeah with your second (and third and fourth and so on...) your fears are different because now you not only know what all might happen but you have all those extra fears of all you know can happen. I know with my second I was terrified of labor since I knew what it was exactly then, but I didn't know until I was in labor with my second that I had a bad labor with my first. lol
But anyway relax and enjoy it!!! Your right, these next ten weeks are a precious time for you to enjoy with just your son.