Friday, September 19, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Part Fifteen

I have only three weeks until Baby Bean's "guess date". I admit, I'm exhausted. I'm not sure exactly why I thought that being 9 months pregnant and teaching my two very active little boys every day would be a good idea, but I certainly feel like it's taking it's toll on me. In a good way though. I am exhausted at night, but I can lay there and feel my newest little kicking and twirling while going over in my mind whatever I was able to teach and do with my older littles that day...It's a good kind of exhausted. (The having to get up to pee 4,000 times a night isn't helping much though, and that isn't fun.)

I think this will probably be our last edition of the Gender Prediction Project this time around. After all, though I have given Bean very firm orders that s/he is not to even think about coming before October arrives (12 days from now at the earliest), we all know that babies will come when babies will come. Considering I am not yet completely packed or fully ready for this newest little, and considering the fact that it is the exact opposite of what I want, this baby could come any time now.

I am going to try and relax and enjoy these last few weeks as much as possible. (And, of course, I will be posting a final predictions count in a special blog before bean arrives so that everyone can see where we stand before the happy day.)

Smell of Garlic

You won't be able to do this one if you are a vampire. Sorry to any fanged readers I might have out there. ;) According to the Old Wives, if a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell doesn't come out of her pores, it's a little girl! If the odor of garlic is absolutely seeping from her, it's a boy. Easy peasy, unless of course you are a normal person who doesn't go around chomping on cloves of garlic on the regular.

I'm not sure who would want to do this. I certainly didn't. In fact, I couldn't quite bring myself to eat a clove of garlic. I enjoy the fact that my husband and children like to snuggle and kiss me far too much to put that at risk. :) I do, however, still eat garlic in some things, so I decided that would just have to be enough for this one. You could argue that I can't accurately predict this one, because I'm not actually munching on a clove of garlic, but I'm just not doing it people. If you want to try it and tell me your results that's fine, but I'm not going to sit around and snack on garlic like I would grapes. (Oh, grapes sound yummy! I might have to go get some grapes!)

So far as I was willing to participate in this one, it is predicting that we will have a little girl any time now. While I eat garlic in several things, I have never noticed an odor, and neither has my husband. So, take that for what you will. I will be taking it with a clove of garlic. ;)

Clumsy Oaf of Graceful Swan?

I have never been what you would call a graceful person. Perhaps this is because I am destined to have only boys, because the Old Wives say that if you are clumsy it means you will have a boy. If you are graceful all signs point to a girl. I don't necessarily turn into more of a klutz while I'm pregnant, but I certainly don't glide around like the Duchess of Cambridge either! Heels? Forget about it! 

This was accurate for both boys, and I suppose this means that we can expect another little boy in our home very, very soon. 

What's In A Name?

If you listen to the Old Wives, the sex can be found in a name, or at least in the names you and your partner can agree on. Legend has it, if you can only agree on girl names, you will be blessed with a girl. If you are only able to agree on boy names, a little boy will be yours. That's very simple, and convenient too! 

What happens if you can't agree on a name at all, because that's where my husband and I are at only 21 days before our little is "expected" to come? Of course, this could also be another argument for why my husband and I will only have boys, because we have a much easier time agreeing on boy names than we do on girl names. (Though we are having a tough time with it this time around. I think this means my boy name should automatically win, since he hasn't come up with one. :) Logic.) Girl names? Let's just say, if Bean is a girl, I really hope she comes out with the perfect name written across her forehead, because she might be nameless for life otherwise.  

Since we have an easier time with the boy names, it was accurate with both of our older children, I'm going to call this another one in the books for a little boy joining our family any time now.

The Aggressive One?

This one is very, very simple. Who was the "aggressor" at conception? The sex of your child will be the opposite.

I can't believe I'm even going here.  

I have family who reads this, so I am not going into any detail at all. Let's just say that this has been fairly accurate so far, and we should have a girl when Bean arrives. 

Well, there you have it! The Gender Prediction Project 2014 has come to a close! The final count has team boy in the lead with 37 predictions for a little boy vs. 26 predictions for a little girl. If you missed any of the fifteen posts, don't worry. I will be posting a "Final Predictions" post shortly that will cover everything in one prediction filled explosion! Until then, remember that you can still go to our online baby poll to give your opinion on what you think we will have, and keep your eyes open for Bean's birth announcement! It really could be any time now. (Though I would appreciate it if s/he waited until October.)

Until then, happy predicting!

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*


Friday, September 12, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Part Fourteen: You Decide Results

Less than a month to go until we should be meeting our little Bean. Saying I am excited would be the worst of understatements, but I am not sure that there is adequate verbage in the English language to describe my feelings. Everyone in the Gordon household is anticipating Bean's arrival with an enthusiasm that mirrors Christmas or a birthday! (Okay, the boys might not be quite as excited as they are for Christmas, but the excitement is still very real!)

Today we're going to review something I first posted about back in July where I asked you for your opinion. What do you think Bean will be when s/he arrives? I've posted a few reminders for people to go and cast their votes on our online baby pool, and today is the day we find out the results! (Up until now at least. You are still able to go vote if you want. Once Bean arrives there will be points assigned and a "winner" is chosen based on whose guesses were closest. Good luck!)  

Popular Opinion

*drum roll please* According to you, Baby Bean will be a little BOY! Team boy didn't win by much though, having only 53% of the votes vs. 47% for team girl. I'm not sure how much of that opinion was based on what people want us to have and how much was based on educated guesses, but the Old Wives seemed to give some weight to public opinion so I figured that I would too. I honestly don't remember what most people thought with Parker, and I know there was a strong push for girl with Bash, (including from myself) so public opinion has at least a 50% fail rate with us. Either way, it will be interesting to see if the public was right this time around in predicting that we'll have a little boy in just about a month!

Thank you for voting. We will see how right you are very soon. 

*Feel free to keep voting on our online baby pool if you haven't already, or if you just want to add another guess. ;) I'll be keeping the pool open until Bean arrives and will give the final results for this, and all of our "predictions" in a post baby edition of the Gender Prediction Project.* 

Only one prediction method this week, yours, and it added another notch in the belt for the boys. Our current count is now 35 predictions for a boy and 24 predictions for a little girl. Not many more weeks for predicting before Bean will be here in my arms! I can't wait to share him/her with the world.

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*


Friday, September 5, 2014

The Gender Prediction Project Two: Lucky Part Thirteen

Wowza, what a week it has been! Parker started Kindergarten this week, where he goes to the Home School Academy one day a week and then schools with my at home in our very own Curious Quill Academy for the rest of the week. There is a learning curve to this home school thing, and I am far from having it all figured out even after doing it last year. We had a lot of fun though, and I'm hoping that we'll be into enough of a rhythm by the time Bean arrives that it won't disrupt us too much. *crossing fingers, toes, and eyes*

Now it is Friday though! School is over for the week, it's Michael's day off so he's getting some quality time in with the boys, (Thank you so much, amazing husband, for taking them to the grocery with you so I could sit here in a silent house and just breath.) and I can take a few moments to put up my feet, sip on some Postum (wish it was a glass of wine), and publish the latest edition of The Gender Prediction Project! Lucky number 13! (Which really is my lucky number, in case anyone was wondering.)

I am 35 weeks pregnant today, which means I also have 35 days until my "expected due date". I don't give a ton of credit to EDDs. After all, only something like 5% of women deliver on that magical date, so it's really just a "guess date". I'm hoping I don't go early, or at least not too early, and have fully prepared myself to go late. (After Sebastian came when he did I would be a fool not to prepare to have another late little!) Either way, I think we still have plenty of time to get some more fun predictions in before Bean bursts Earth side. Let's make these last few weeks count, shall we?

Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Leg Hair Grow?

I made myself giggle with that up there. ;) Sorry. It matters though, at least for this prediction. Believe it or not, it can tell you the sex of your baby! Who knew, right? The Old Wives knew. According to them, if your leg hair is growing faster it is because of the little boy in your womb. If the rate of your hair growth is slower than usual it is because of your daughter.

I never noticed it growing any faster with either of the boys. I can't say 100% that it didn't, but I don't remember it. All I can say is that, to the best of my recollection, this has a 0% accuracy rate for us so far. This time around I've noticed that my hair seems to be growing at a slower pace than usual, which is good since I've spent much of the Summer in skirts and shorts, which would mean that Bean is a little girl if the Old Wives are correct.

Lean or Large?

I'm asking about your legs again. If you have noticed a difference in their shape or size it might be able to tell you the sex of your little womb dweller. If you are noticing that your legs are looking leaner first off, lucky lady! Secondly, it is supposed to mean that you will be welcoming a little girl into your family very soon. Have your legs been getting bigger? If so, they say you can expect a little boy before long. 

I can't, for the life of me, remember what my legs looked like with the boys. Heck, I probably went days at a time without even seeing them, so it's not really surprising that I have no clue what was going on with my legs. I lost a significant amount of weight with both of them, so I can only assume that my legs looked smaller, but I'm not comfortable guessing either. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the accuracy rate of this one is for us so far. Maybe I'll go back at some point and look at pictures. (I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it though.)

I'm losing weight this pregnancy too, so it would make sense that my legs look leaner, and sometimes I think they do. Sometimes I think they look larger, though Michael assures me that I am crazy and I look great. (I think husbands might be obligated to compliment their pregnant wives, so I'm not sure how accurate his statements are.) I think that I might actually be swelling some days, which never happened with the boys, and would explain why some days I think they look larger and some days I think they look leaner. If I look at myself 100% objectively (which is pretty much impossible to do, by the way) I guess I would say that they look leaner the majority of the time, which would make this another prediction for a little girl in my life. (I could change my mind about this tomorrow though. Be prepared.)

To Sleep or Not To Sleep? 

Insomnia. What pregnant woman hasn't suffered from insomnia at some point? Especially now, at almost 9 months pregnant, I have to wake up every single time I want to roll over. (Rolling over at 8+ months pregnant should be an Olympic sport. I'm serious. You have to wake up, then sort of grab your belly, and then you have to work and huff and puff to get it to come along with you while you move. It's not pretty, but it's impressive!) 

I suffered from insomnia with both boys. It wasn't just frequent waking (either to roll over or pee, your choice), but there were some nights that I was 100% incapable of actually falling asleep. I was exhausted, though I also enjoyed those moments, in the wee hours of the morning, laying there as my little one tumbled, kicked, and wiggled inside. Knowing that I would get to hold them in my arms soon, but also knowing that I would never be quite this close to them again. They were beautiful moments, even if they left me with impressive bags under my eyes. I wouldn't give up those moments for anything. They do mean that this has a 0% accuracy rate for us up to this point.

This pregnancy I'm at the point where I am waking frequently, and I often go to bed much later than I should, but I also have no issues falling back to sleep once I have either rolled over or peed. :) I also would have zero issues curling up to take a mid-afternoon nap if that was ever an option for me. I'm tired, and I don't feel like I'm getting enough sleep, but I also don't feel like I'm suffering from insomnia. That means that Bean should be a little boy, right? We'll see very, very soon.

The ladies won another post. I'm shocked. That's two in a row, with 2 predictions for a girl against only 1 prediction for a boy this time. Overall, the boys are still in the lead with 34 for a boy in comparison to only 24 for a girl so far. The gap is closing, slowly, but it's closing. 

Do not forget to get your own vote in on our online baby poll! I will be reviewing the results on the blog in a week or two, so get your's in now! 

Sneaky Momma Blog Design

*Disclaimer: This, and all posts for The Gender Prediction Project, is something I am doing for fun. I am not a doctor, and I make no claims that these methods of sex prediction work. This should in no way shape or form be taken seriously. Please do not go out and buy clothes, furniture, toys, paint, or wallpaper based on any of the prediction methods you see here. These blog posts should be taken with a grain of salt, and if you choose to participate in them along with me, realize that there is no way to know the sex of your baby 100% until they are in your arms and you are looking at the evidence with your own two eyes. Even ultrasounds can be wrong, so join in at your own risk! ;) Happy predicting!*
