Saturday, May 14, 2011

Must Write More

There is so much going on right now that you would think I would be writing like a fiend...instead I have left a sadly neglected blog behind in the hustle and bustle of my every day coming and goings. I will have to remedy this ASAP. After all, a deployment and a pregnancy...I have a well of subjects to choose from to write about. Add into that the fact that my "baby" boy ha turned two, my wonderful Shamrock has left this world, the general drama of being around family all the time...I can't believe I'm not writing all the time!
Well, I will be. I promise. I need to do a complete re-vamp of my page and start making some ME time, but I will be back and updating very, very soon! I promise! There is so much to talk about after all!
Just wanted to drop by and say that I'm missing everyone. :0)


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